
Know Your Rights Camp

A while back my friend, Jamal, aka "Savvy", and I collaborated on a song called "What it Means to Be". This song sends a message of humanity, equality, and unity, and was inspired by the struggles people of color face in this country. In this moment of reckoning, we want to re-share our song with you. For the rest of the month, 100% of the funds (less transaction fees) will go to the organization close to Jamal's heart called “Know Your Rights." Their mission is to " advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders." Listen to and download the song here:

What it Means to Be by Shalini Varghese, released 25 December 2017 Ahh... Ooo-Ohh If I could walk could walk in your shoes Would I see the world as you do? To me, it's a beautiful place To you, it's a stormy race Ahh...

Also, as tomorrow is “Juneteenth,” Bandcamp, the site hosting my song, will be donating all of its revenue share to NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a racial justice organization with a long history of effectively enacting change through litigation, advocacy, and public education. Together we can increase our charitable contributions to these organizations.

Thank you for your support!

What it Means to Be

I remember when I wrote this song, some years ago, I had the hope that things would be different today than they were at that time, even though back then, I also thought things would be different, that they would be better. So here we are today in 2020, a new decade, reminded in such a traumatic and devastating way, that we still live in a place of deep inequities and systematic biases. When will it end? Why is it so hard to treat each other as equals, as kin? I don't have the answers, so I'm sharing this song again to send the message I truly hope we as a people and society will come to understand and live each day...

(Lyrics in Description of Video):